"An effective teacher manages a classroom,
An ineffective teacher disciplines a classroom"
Harry Wong
One of my concerns about teaching is how I will handle classroom misbehaviour when it happens. Despite my dreams of a perfect classroom with perfect students and perfect lesson plans going perfectly well, I realize that reality is otherwise. There will be days when our imperfections shine through, my students’ and my own. However, I have decided not to call these “bad days” when they happen. I have decided to call them “opportunities”. Opportunities to overcome difficulties, opportunities to guide, opportunities to resolve, opportunities to succeed. In order to seize these “opportunities” I know I have to be prepared. I can’t just “react” because a reaction is subject to emotion and our emotions can get the best of us. It is much better to plan for these “bad days” and to expect “misbehaviour”....
... and in doing so I can turn a negative reaction into a positive opportunity for the student, for me and for the classroom.
In one of my classes, EDUC 8P19, we focus on the importance of classroom management and specifically analyze what is called, The C.A.L.M Model. By definition, this model is a flexible, hierarchal model for examining and managing challenges that may effect the classroom environment (Levin, Nolan, Kerr, Elliott, Bajovic, 2013, p.19). It was created in order to guide teachers when encountering misbehaviour in the classroom. It reminds teachers to remember not to act rationally towards the misbehaviour. It helps to keep a positive and healthy learning environment not only for the other students but also for the one misbehaving. It allows the teacher to CONSIDER how serious the misbehaviour is, whether or not the behaviour is disruptive, and then ACT upon it accordingly, in a way that makes sense and will make a positive future impact. It also helps remind the teacher that it is important to be able to LESSEN the situation in a way that sustains a positive learning environment and in turn enables the teacher to effectively MANAGE the class as a whole.
As stated in a reading for this course, EDUC 4P19, it is important for the teacher to share an understanding of the expectations in the classroom (Drake et al., ,p. 28). While this is true, I believe it is the way the expectations are communicated that makes a difference. Like the image above, the students need to know that the teacher wants to support them and collaborate with them. Using The C.A.L.M Model allows the teacher to show that he or she has enough respect for the student to allow them to have a chance. By acting rationally and say, kicking a student out of the classroom right away, you aren't allowing the student to have a chance and in turn could end up with a negative future impact for the students behaviour and learning opportunity in the classroom.
Now, in relation to The C.A.L.M Model, i'd like to tell you a short story, one that I will never forget. My friend’s father was a high school teacher fresh out of Lakehead University’s teacher’s college, substituting in for a maternity leave. The students were strangers to him and he was a stranger to them. He was ready to start the class but there was one individual who would not settle in, would not be seated and was being disruptive. He asked once, then asked again, and then a third time but the student was defiant and remained standing and would not return to his seat. So, the teacher smiled and asked the rest of the class to wait quietly while he had a word with the student outside the classroom. At first the student was reluctant to step outside but with a trusting smile and a calm demeanor and a nod, the teacher got the student to step outside of the room with him. He closed the door. The student was ready for a tongue lashing or expecting to be reprimanded or even threatened. Instead, the teacher said, “ I don’t know what is wrong today but something is bothering you and I want you to know that I am a good listener and I can help you. Then he handed the student a pack of Mentos (mints) and said, “Here, take these, they taste good and they calm me down. I have one whenever I am upset.” The teacher added, “You don’t have to tell me what is wrong, it is up to you, but I have heard really good things about you and I am looking forward to our time together. Now, when we go back in the classroom I want to pretend that I was upset with you and when people ask you can say, “…you don’t want to piss that teacher off”, and he winked and the student smiled and said, “Cool”…and back in they went. This may not be a perfect example but I have always thought that my friends father treated this as an opportunity instead of reacting negatively, simply calling it a bad day.
The key is to remember that every student is different, every day is different and every circumstance is different. I won’t always have the best solutions but I know if I remember to treat misbehavior as an “opportunity” it will put me in the right place, on the right path of thinking, to better manage the situation for everyone.
I hope you enjoyed my thoughts on The C.A.L.M Model and it's effect on managing behaviours in the classroom. Feel free to comment, Thanks :)
Levin, J., & Nolan, J. F. (2013). Principles of classroom management: A professional decision-making model. Pearson Higher Ed.
Drake, S. M., Reid, J. L., & Kolohon, W. (2014). Interweaving curriculum and classroom assessment: Engaging the 21st century learner.